I am an Arizona native, born and raised in mining communities.
I am pro-union, pro woman's right to choose, pro LGBTQ and human rights.
I am an advocate of public education. The privatization of our public school system is fraught with corruption and there is little to no accountability.
I believe we need to strengthen all of our institutions in order to secure our Democracy and maintain a civil society. And that includes the peaceful transfer of power. We must not give election deniers who push fake electoral schemes, the ability to assault and destroy our democracy.
Arizona must address immigration reform and push congress to find common sense, legal and humane solutions to a decades old problem.
I am in concert with the founding fathers and believe in separation of church and state.
I believe in science and the threat of climate change to our planet.
Republicans are not the party of fiscal responsibility. They have left Arizona with a 2 billion dollar hole in our budget because of flagrant abuse of school vouchers and tax breaks for the rich.
Time for change. Vote for truth, transparency and integrity.
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Get in touch
I want to hear from consituents in our community.
Share your experience, your story, your expertise. Let me know what's important to you.
I want to bring all of our priorities to the Arizona state capitol.
Why I'm Running
This is the space to introduce visitors to the business or brand. Briefly explain who's behind it, what it does and what makes it unique. Share its core values and what this site has to offer.
Restore Women's Freedoms
I am an advocate for women's rights, human rights, and LGBTQ+ rights. My feet have hit the pavement more times than I can count. We need to stop the backslide of human equality and get back on the track of progress.
Protect Public Education
I am an advocate of public education. The privatization of our public school system is fraught with corruption and there is little to no accountability. I believe we need to strengthen all of our institutions in order to secure our Democracy and maintain a civil society.
Common Sense Immigration Reform
Arizona is on the front lines of immigration. We must address immigration reform and push the US Congress to find common sense, legal and humane solutions to a decades old problem.

I stand with Joe Biden, whether as United States President, Presidential nominee, or retired citizen. I stand with his character of integrity, honesty and transparency. I stand with his record of supporting women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and immigration rights. I stand by the courage of President Joe Biden to step aside for the American people. I stand for the Democratic values he instills. I stand for the Democratic platform he believes in. I stand with the 46th President of the United States Joe Biden, and the Democratic nominee for the 47th President of the United States, whomever that will be.
America will prevail with the continued leadership of a Democratic President. My campaign will prevail with the continued focus on reflecting that leadership in the State of Arizona. We must rally together for our great state and its people. Rally and stand for integrity, honesty and transparency.
President Biden's Legacy

I stand with Joe Biden, whether as United States President, Presidential nominee, or retired citizen. I stand with his character of integrity, honesty and transparency. I stand with his record of supporting women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and immigration rights. I stand by the courage of President Joe Biden to step aside for the American people. I stand for the Democratic values he instills. I stand for the Democratic platform he believes in. I stand with the 46th President of the United States Joe Biden, and the Democratic nominee for the 47th President of the United States, whomever that will be.
America will prevail with the continued leadership of a Democratic President. My campaign will prevail with the continued focus on reflecting that leadership in the State of Arizona. We must rally together for our great state and its people. Rally and stand for integrity, honesty and transparency.
President Biden's Legacy

I stand with Joe Biden, whether as United States President, Presidential nominee, or retired citizen. I stand with his character of integrity, honesty and transparency. I stand with his record of supporting women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and immigration rights. I stand by the courage of President Joe Biden to step aside for the American people. I stand for the Democratic values he instills. I stand for the Democratic platform he believes in. I stand with the 46th President of the United States Joe Biden, and the Democratic nominee for the 47th President of the United States, whomever that will be.
America will prevail with the continued leadership of a Democratic President. My campaign will prevail with the continued focus on reflecting that leadership in the State of Arizona. We must rally together for our great state and its people. Rally and stand for integrity, honesty and transparency.
President Biden's Legacy

Meet Barbara Beneitone
Barb, an Arizona native, was born and raised in mining towns. She comes from Italian and Croatian descent and grew up with a multicultural circle of family, friends, and influences. Barbara was active building parks and recreation centers in her community. She has worked on many campaigns and has had her feet in the street for years advocating and volunteering for the people of Arizona. Barb finds herself drawn back into activism as she witnesses the erosion of the hard-fought freedoms she champions.